ITV Emmerdale fans ‘work out’ Liam’s plan as he’s left rocked by Ella’s baby bombshell

Emmerdale’s Ella Forster dropped her baby bombshell on ex Liam Cavanagh on Monday night, leaving the village doctor stunned over the news On Monday night, Emmerdale’s Ella Forster delivered a baby bombshell to ex Liam Cavanagh. Just weeks on after her terrible secret was revealed, the smash ITV soap Ella’s dramatic return to the town … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Horror photos capture Emmerdale’s Tom King’s brutal actions against Belle

Emmerdale’s Tom King has been mentally abusing and controlling his wife Belle for months – and our exclusive photos reveal what’s next in the harrowing domestic violence storyline. Ahead of Wednesday’s episode actor James Chase revealed what it’s like playing the brutal character Emmerdale’s villainous Tom King has been emotionally torturing and coercing his scared … Read more