Coronation Street spoilers: All over as Kirk rejects Beth when her cheating is exposed

The conclusion of the line (Image: ITV)

In future Coronation Street episodes, Beth Tinker (Lisa George) is playing with fire as she keeps seeing her ex-boyfriend Marco (Paul Albertson) behind Kirk’s back.

Beth has liked being flirty and reliving her youth after reuniting with Marco after discovering a letter from him in a memory box. She has been charmed by the attention he has showed her.

According to Lisa George, “She is really flattered, she is enjoying the attention and hasn’t really thought about the consequences.” She is convincing herself there is no danger since she believes she can manage it and that the situation is under control.

Beth immediately realised that Marco still harboured love emotions for her, but she resisted the impulse to stop seeing him. As they flirt, she agrees to go out for a drink with him, and Marco pushes in for a kiss, kissing her lightly on the lips. Beth plays with fire by consenting to see Marco again, despite the fact that it is now very clear that he wants to revive their previous romance.

Beth is astonished when Kirk gives her the cold shoulder after finding out about what’s happening, which happens not long after. Despite her protests that nothing between her and Marco is happening, Kirk is uninterested in hearing her justifications and tells her that it is “too little, too late.” This might be Kirk’s breaking point since it came so soon after Beth’s lying about hitting Hope (Isabella Flanagan).

The main problem here, Lisa said, is that she plainly lied to Kirk. She doesn’t want to upset Kirk by telling him she has been meeting her ex-boyfriend and lying to him about her whereabouts since there is nothing going on with Marco, but everything occurred so quickly.

“That was her biggest error,” I said. She had the opportunity to tell him about Marco getting in contact and introduce them, but instead she opted to keep it a secret and make up a story about her whereabouts, which is just going to lead her into more trouble. Although amazing, hindsight is completely useless.

So, is it game over for Kirky and Beth? Not, Lisa hopes.

Beth will want to give her all to the battle to save their relationship since Kirk means the world to her. I believe they may overcome this, although it could take some time for Kirk to trust her once again. Nevertheless, he will be very upset, and she is aware of her wrongdoing.

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