Emmerdale revisits Belle Dingle’s schizophrenia ordeal as teen Angelica King fears the worst

Jimmy hugs crying Angel while Belle looks shocked in the armchair in Emmerdale
Belle’s ordeal left Angelica panicking (Picture: ITV)

In Thursday’s (February 29) Emmerdale episode, Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) tried her hardest to support Angelica King (Rebecca Bakes); nevertheless, it wasn’t easy to recollect an event that left her psychologically ill.

Tom (James Chase) requested Belle to speak with Angelica yesterday on her time spent at a safe children’s home.

After driving recklessly and killing Heath (Sebastian Dowling), the young girl is doing her time there. Tom thought Belle might assist after seeing she wasn’t really considering the truth of her destiny.

Belle took a seat and seemed calm and well-prepared. In the hopes that it wouldn’t upset her too much, she prepared notes on what she wanted to say.

Belle did her best, but she grew nervous when Angelica inquired about her “breakdown.”

Belle was imprisoned for shoving Gemma Andrews (Tendai Rinomhota) during a quarrel, which resulted in her death.

Her mental state deteriorated during her absence, and upon her release, she began to have hallucinations in which she saw and conversed with Gemma. In the end, Belle was given a schizophrenia diagnosis.

Angelica asked Belle about her ‘breakdown’ (Picture: ITV)

Belle spoke candidly about this, but gradually the conversation alarmed Angelica since she began to worry that she might soon find herself in Belle’s shoes.

Once again asserting his authority over her, Belle attempted to explain to Tom that he shouldn’t have had her talk with Angelica while she was at home. He told his wife that just because she became angry, it doesn’t give her the “right” to place the responsibility on him.

This development precedes scenes that will show Tom exploiting and dominating Belle via the use of technology.

Eden Taylor Draper discussed this narrative, saying, “We were fully aware of the responsibility that would bring when we first heard from the producers about the way the Tom and Belle relationship story was going to go.” However, it’s a crucial tale to share.

“Soaps give the audience a peek into people’s private lives and expose the falsity of what people choose to portray to the outside world.” The unfortunate truth is that this kind of behavior in a relationship is much too common.

I really hope we tell this narrative well. And individuals should absolutely seek assistance if they find themselves in such a circumstance.

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