Emmerdale spoilers: Marlon’s violently furious outburst as Rhona goes behind his back

It seems to never end (Picture: ITV)

Not renowned for his violent outbursts, Emmerdale’s clumsy Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) is driven to this out-of-character attitude when Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) makes yet another important choice without consulting her husband.

Rhona is fully aware that her tendency to go behind Marlon’s back is the reason their relationship is already hanging by a thread.

It seems like she is unable to control herself.

Rhona is concentrating on how annoyed she is that Marlon continues bringing up her previous behaviour rather than listening to what her husband is trying to tell her. This causes her to put Marlon out of her mind, maybe as a trauma reaction.

Rhona doesn’t give her husband or his advice a second consideration when Charles (Kevin Mathurin) pays her a visit; instead, she begins arranging Ivy’s baptism with the priest. Everything is going according to plan until Marlon abruptly leaves for home in the middle of the conversation.

Their marriage is in shaky shape (Image: ITV).

He is horrified to learn that Rhona is preparing a significant family decision without his presence.

Rhona clumsily clarifies that Charles brought up the idea of a baptism, but this only makes Marlon more incensed as Rhona is always coming up with reasons to leave him out.

Unusually aggressive, a displeased Marlon hits a pan of food and sends it flying, exposing a side of himself that no one has seen.

Rhona then receives a bigger shock than the overturned perishables when she finds out that Marlon is going camping with Paddy (Dominic Brunt) to determine whether or not he still wants a relationship.

When Paddy finds out on the trip that Marlon is prepared to end his marriage and is thinking of divorcing Rhona, he is shocked.

Paddy tries to motivate Marlon to fight for his love, knowing that he has a difficult task ahead of him. After all, if he can overcome his stroke, surely he can also overcome this?

In addition, Mary (Louise Jameson) is there to offer Rhona counsel and puts up a strong argument for Rhona to stand up for her love. Is it, however, too little, too late?

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