SICK AND TIRED Paul Foreman reveals plan to end his own life in Coronation Street

Paul Foreman has been struggling to cope with his motor neurone disease symptomsCredit: ITV
His fiancé Billy Mayhew tries to support himCredit: ITV
He makes a big decision next weekCredit: ITV

Early this year, the adored builder received a motor neurone disease diagnosis.

Paul Foreman determines he’ll meet his maker on Coronation Street the next week on his terms as the disease gradually takes control.

With little time left on the cobbles, the beloved character portrayed by Peter Ash makes the most of it by making arrangements with his loved ones.

In recent ITV soap opera scenes, Paul and Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) made the decision to marry before it’s too late in order to further their love.

Next week, though, Paul reveals he has another endeavour in mind as he gets ready to commit assisted suicide as part of a larger scheme.

For their stag do, Summer Spellman (Harriet Bibby) gives Billy and Paul a polaroid camera and informs them that cell phones are not permitted.

The concept excite Paul, and when the pair arrives at the Bistro, Billy is surprised by all the glitter and rainbows, but his partner loves it.

Billy begins to unwind while Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) runs the drinking games.

In the meanwhile, the police arrive at No. 7 and ask Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove) to provide some information in connection with a possible fraud inquiry involving Shelly Rothington.

At the station, Bernie presents herself as just assisting a young MND patient by collecting a few packages for her.

But Bernie is in for a shock from the cops, and Paul is in disbelief.

How will they respond?

As viewers will recall, when Paul was having a hard time accepting his diagnosis, he met Shelly in a motor neurone disease support group.

After learning that she had been buying and selling laptops to try to pay for her caretakers, Bernie and Paul assisted her in raising money.

When Paul confides in Todd Grimshaw (Gareth Pierce), another surprise is in store for him before he begs him to remain quiet about his plan for assisted suicide.

Will Todd keep his word?

Or maybe he could inform Billy of Paul’s plans?

Paul opens up to Todd about his plans for the futureCredit: ITV
But will Billy ever find out what he’s planning?Credit: ITV

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 p.m. on ITV, Coronation Street is shown.

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