Coronation Street spoiler video: Ryan lashes out at Carla as his temper flares

The use of steroids on Coronation Street has left Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) with erratic emotions.

Ryan had began to exhibit signs of drug addiction soon after he got back from his trip to Ireland. He has recently been interested in fitness and has been injecting himself with steroids in an effort to alter his physical look.

Additionally, he is doing this in the hopes that it would boost his low self-confidence, which has been severely damaged as a result of the acid assault.

Ryan is concealing his addiction, but Alya (Sair Khan) quickly notices a shift in his behavior. She then informs Carla (Alison King) that Ryan appeared restless and distracted during their lunch together.

In this new video, Ryan is disturbed to discover Carla making his bed as he enters his room.

Ryan will struggle while out running (Picture: ITV)

Ryan also has a needle in his hand, which has him on edge. Ryan is able to conceal it and amuse Carla as she talks about the advantages of making your bed every morning, but he ends up losing his cool as she walks out.

After injecting himself with narcotics, he hears Carla yell as she heads out the door for work. This is sufficient to significantly raise Ryan’s levels of rage, which causes him to violently erupt and punch the wardrobe.

Ryan’s emotions are tested again (Pictures: ITV)

Later in the week, while returning from a run, Ryan starts to feel dizzy and almost passes out, but Gary (Mikey North) arrives just in time and instructs him to take a few deep breaths.

Gary watches Ryan’s energy drink and wonders whether his buddy has taken anything else, but if Ryan lies, will Gary trust him?

Ryan Prescott said, “When he returns from Ireland, he’s fully seated in that position of denial.”

He’s already persuaded himself that he’s getting back on his feet and that his recent interest in fitness would enable him to emerge from his shell and acquire the necessary confidence. It offers him something to concentrate on and diverts his attention from all the suffering he has through and the fact that he seems so different.

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