Coronation Street spoiler videos: Tragedy for Paul and violence horror for Carla and Cassie

Next week’s episode of Coronation Street has a lot of violence, as shown by video snippets of Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney) being viciously abused by drug dealer Dean and Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) yelling at Carla (Alison King).

Even in the best (worst) of circumstances, Corrie is a stressful place, but the forthcoming episodes include some pretty significant outbursts.

Cassie is having trouble with her addiction and is in debt to Dean. And she is afraid when he becomes very rude.

Ryan, meanwhile, is on edge all the time due to his steroid addiction. Carla’s well-intended attempt to assist with the online comments causes him to erupt, and Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) is forced to step in as a result.

Other tragic sequences include Paul Foreman (Peter Ash), who collapses to the ground as his symptoms take hold, leaving Bryn alone.

August 21st, Monday

Dean, a drug dealer, meets with Cassie, who promises to soon have his money but is in need of more.

Michael notices them as Dean tries to take Cassie, but Cassie pretends they are a couple to persuade Michael to leave. Dean, though, knocks Cassie to the ground on their own.

Wednesday August 23

Bryn is playing in the park as Paul watches him and tries to get him to go home. But when Paul rushes to catch up with Bryn, he stumbles to the ground.

Paul, who is afraid and can’t move, anxiously shouts after Bryn.

Friday August 25

Carla advises Ryan to erase any offensive comments after Ryan shared a photo of his scars, but Ryan becomes enraged and slams a glass against the wall. Ryan is thrown against the wall as Peter returns and threatens Carla.

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