Coronation Street spoilers: All over for Stephen as police receive evidence of his murder

He erred, of course! (Image from ITV)

Viewers of Coronation Street saw Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce) commit his third murder back in April. He appeared at the opulent mansion of businessman Rufus Donahue (Steven Meo) in a chilling flashback scene.

When Rufus approached his swimming pool while under the influence of drugs, Stephen shoved him in and kept his head underwater until he drowned. Even though it was a horrible act, Stephen has so far avoided any penalties.

The two people he previously killed, Leo Thompkins (Joe Frost) and his father Teddy (Grant Burgin), both managed to escape justice.

After the inquiry into Rufus’s death is over, his luck could start to alter in forthcoming episodes. The conclusion is “death by misadventure,” which indicates they believe no one else is at fault.

Lou, Rufus’s wife, isn’t happy about it, however, especially when she gets a bag containing items that the police had taken from the spot where he died. A tie pin is one of the products.

Stephen recognizes the tie pin even if Lou doesn’t since it belongs to him. Stephen truly begins to freak out when Lou informs him and Carla (Alison King) that she’s reporting the tie pin to the police since it’s undoubtedly related to her husband’s murderer.

Stephen’s running out of time (Picture: ITV)

Todd Boyce warned us that Stephen is more prone to errors the more desperate he becomes.

He warned us that as he became more desperate, “We are going to see him start taking risks. His life is starting to unravel, and it will be interesting to see how he deals with the pressure.” He will inevitably start making blunders, which might be his downfall.

Could Stephen Reid’s downfall begin with this?

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