Coronation Street spoilers: Killer Stephen spirals as two murders are finally exposed

The walls are closing in (Picture: ITV)

For Todd Boyce’s character Stephen Reid in Coronation Street, everything was going great. He moved in with Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews), the woman he was “insane about from the moment they first kissed,” after winning her heart. His three killings had gone unreported. Sweet life it was.

After that, a corpse was discovered at the construction site, and it was soon determined to be that of Leo (Joe Frost), who was Jenny’s first victim and her ex-boyfriend, with whom she had been discussing starting a new life in Canada.

While Stephen is no stranger to maintaining composure under pressure, this particular circumstance truly tested his mettle as Jenny began to cast doubt on the events that had transpired. She made the observation that Leo had to be in Canada because Stephen had communicated with Teddy, his father (Grant Burgin), who was also in the country.

Stephen was becoming increasingly uneasy after Jenny unintentionally associated his name with Leo and Teddy, two of the victims he had killed. Next, Tim (Joe Duttine) related to Craig (Colson Smith) the story of how Leo hit Stephen when he discovered he had kissed Jenny.

By telling Craig that there had been no animosity between them, but that Leo had subsequently gotten into a fight with Teddy, Stephen was able to talk his way out of that one for the time being.

Fearing that his second victim may be discovered as well, Stephen was compelled to travel to the canal and dispose of Teddy’s body using Audrey’s (Sue Nicholls’) roof box. Tim trailed him, having long harboured misgivings about Stephen. He was perplexed to see Stephen sticking a stick about in the water. Behaviour is not strange at all.

It’s all falling apart (Picture: ITV)

It appears that everything is picking up speed in the next episodes, faster than Stephen can keep up with. Jenny thinks it strange that Teddy hasn’t contacted her after Leo’s passing and advises that they go see him. Stephen attempts in vain to persuade her to reconsider.

Jenny, who is anxious about Teddy, goes to the police station and tells Craig so.

Stephen’s next plan is to leave Weatherfield as soon as possible, and he tells Jenny that he wants to treat her to a romantic vacation in Thailand. That’s a great idea, but Jenny has to devote all of her time and attention to rescuing her bar, and she can’t possible leave on the same day she finds out that Waterford’s is closing the Rovers for renovations. It thwarts Stephen.

Poor Jenny is starting to get suspicious (Picture: ITV)

With additional news, DS Swain then shows up. There is proof now in the hands of the police that neither Leo nor Teddy made it to Canada. Jenny is convinced it isn’t possible because Teddy was speaking with Stephen while he was there. Stephen becomes anxious once more when his name is brought up in relation to the case.

Jenny accepts when Steve revives his idea for a “holiday” in Thailand because they had to leave the Rovers and are now homeless. Jenny promises Rita (Barbara Knox) that they will soon be travelling, but for the time being they live with her.

Not soon enough, for Stephen knows that the police will eventually find out Teddy is dead as well and begin to associate him with the two killings.

Stephen’s game appears to be almost over, and the upcoming weeks will be intense.

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