Coronation Street spoilers: Tragic scenes as Billy wishes to be in dying Paul’s place as he gets him a wheelchair

Billy would want to be in Paul’s position. (Image: ITV)

Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) and his partner Billy Mayhew (Daniel Brocklebank) seem to be faced with fresh obstacles almost every day as Paul’s physical condition deteriorates on Coronation Street.

When Paul began experiencing weakness in one hand in April of this year, his condition was determined to be motor neurone disease (MND). He is aware that his illness will only worsen and that, in the end, it will lead him to pass away too soon.

Paul’s buddy Shelly (Natalie Amber), whom he met at an MND support group, is one person who really understands, despite the best efforts of his friends and family to provide assistance. Paul was overcome with emotion when he first saw Shelly in her wheelchair because he recognised it was a peek of his own destiny. He has found her to be of great assistance as she understands precisely what he is going through.

He received a letter on Wednesday, September 13, offering him a meeting with a palliative care nurse. The idea that he could be considering end-of-life care took him entirely by surprise.

He was able to get perspective after speaking with Shelly, who revealed that her own palliative care nurse had been a great assistance to her and that the main focus had been on maximising his remaining time and ensuring his comfort.

Paul shared with her a few items on his wish list. He said he had never travelled to Scotland and had never seen the iron men on Crosby Beach. But ultimately, he said in a painful way, all he wanted was to spend time with Billy.

Billy has obviously been greatly affected by Paul’s fatal prognosis, and he hasn’t always handled things as effectively as he might. Paul is annoyed since he tends to attempt to take charge and take care of his partner.

Upon returning from Shelly’s, Paul was irritated to find Billy preparing to push a wheelchair into the flat, since he was walking with discomfort and struggling to use a stick. It served as a sobering reminder of the impending day when Paul would lose his ability to walk.

Billy said, “I can just cover it with a little tarpaulin.” Paul responded that he would be aware of its presence. But he acknowledged that he would need it eventually. “Wheelchair available; going places.”

Billy informed him in a heartfelt way, “I wish it was me and not you.” I agree. All I want is to remove it from you.

So depressing.

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