Emmerdale spoilers: Gabby makes fierce decision after a deadly event

There are no prisoners for Gabby! (Image: ITV)
In forthcoming episodes of Emmerdale, Victoria Sugden (Isabel Hodgins) commits a thoughtless error that has far-reaching repercussions, and Gabby (Rosie Bentham) makes sure she pays for it.

As fans are aware, Gabby is eager to sell HOP right now since she has to leave Emmerdale as soon as possible. She finds staying in the village intolerable, even with the amenities of Home Farm, as long as there’s a possibility she may run with Nicky Milligan (Lewis Cope) or his father Caleb (William Ash).

Gabby has been unable to get over the humiliation of learning from Nicky on the morning of her wedding that he would not marry her due to his sexual orientation and that he had simply been acting in love with her as part of his father’s plot to get vengeance on Kim Tate (Claire King).

Gabby feels like she is being slapped in the face every time she sees Nicky, who is now seeing the Hide’s chef Suni Sharma (Brahmdeo Shannon Ramana). Taking her son Thomas with her, she decided she wanted to sell everything and leave the country. Although Kim, Thomas’s grandmother, is furious about this, Gabby’s resoluteness is evident in the fact that she hasn’t allowed Kim’s threats to derail her plans.

Gabby has been working to expand her empire and wants to raise as much money as she can to finance her new life. To that end, she plans a tasting party where she will present the new menu items that Suni and Victoria have created for the Hide.

Jacob’s allergic response (Image: ITV)

That’s when everything goes terribly wrong when Jacob (Joe-Warren Plant) eats a slider and has a serious allergic reaction during the event. Jacob is soon in the hospital, battling for his life, despite Victoria’s assurances that the product is nut-free.

Naturally, none of this is helpful for prospective HOP buyers, particularly with Jacob’s mother Leyla (Roxy Shahidi) on the attack and vowing to take various forms of revenge on the company.

Gabby is humiliated when Victoria tells her that what occurred was an honest mistake, but her primary worry is that she is losing customers for the company and that her ambition of relocating overseas is quickly disappearing.

Gabby is humiliated when Victoria tells her that what occurred was an honest mistake, but her primary worry is that she is losing customers for the company and that her ambition of relocating overseas is quickly disappearing.

Victoria is instantly fired by her, leaving her feeling abandoned and heartbroken at the outcome.

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