Coronation Street’s Elaine Jones to face murder plot accusation in Stephen Reid storyline

Elaine Jones from Coronation Street will be accused of a strange crime the following week as Stephen Reid’s dark secrets might be revealed.

Dramatic scenes starring the Weatherfield pair are set to begin as Elaine gets closer to learning the truth about Stephen’s reasons for being in a relationship with her.

After falsely filing for a life insurance policy in Elaine’s name, viewers are aware that Stephen is brutally planning her demise.

Stephen plans to fake an unpleasant “accident” in the Peak District when on vacation there with Elaine next week. Elaine finds additional proof of his dishonesty, though, and his ambitions are foiled.

When Elaine and her son Tim look through Stephen’s stuff, they discover fraudulent insurance paperwork, which is the last straw.

Tim persuades Elaine to move aside securely before waiting to face Stephen at the flat. The two men then engage in a physical altercation as Tim accuses Stephen of attempting to hurt Elaine.

However, it will be difficult to persuade Stephen’s family that he has done anything wrong, according to spoilers and images for the showdown’s aftermath.

Audrey Roberts, Stephen’s mother, leaps to the ridiculous assumption that Elaine intended to run Stephen off as she attempts to make sense of the chaotic occurrences.

Elaine, not Audrey, is accused of wanting to cash in a life insurance policy, according to Audrey.

Will Audrey maintain her suspicions or will she have to recant if further information becomes available?

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