Crushed Belle takes drastic action in Emmerdale – and it will enrage evil Tom

Tom and Belle in a heated showdown in Emmerdale
A furious reaction is expected (Picture: ITV)

Emmerdale’s Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) found out she’s pregnant on Monday, June 10. Belle said that she wasn’t sure what to do with the pregnancy during a visit with nurse Wendy Posner (Susan Cookson), and Wendy provided her some pamphlets explaining her choices.

Her primary concern was that Tom (James Chase) would find out before she made her decision and would undoubtedly want the pregnancy to proceed, taking control of the decision out of her hands.

In later episodes, Cain (Jeff Hordley) lectures Tom over selling Belle’s automobile, which makes Tom furious. Fearing for his wrath, Belle blurts out that she is expecting.

Tom hugs her and admits that he is crying at the notion of being a father. He also makes a promise to improve as a spouse moving forward.

Belle is tempted to believe that Tom has really changed, but he quickly disobeys her request to keep the pregnancy a secret and informs Paddy (Dominic Brunt) about the child. The town soon hears about the news.

Belle has to make a choice when Tom locks her inside the home and she finds herself in a terrifying scenario where she is unable to leave due to a fire. She expresses her desire for a termination to the midwife. Now that she doesn’t have a vehicle, Belle makes an appointment and hires a cab.

Since Tom controls their bank account, she too lacks money, so she understands she can’t reserve a cab and won’t be able to make it to her appointment.

Belle makes a profound discovery. (Image: ITV)

When Tom suddenly arrives home, Belle devises a strategy. She asks him to snap a picture of her with his phone after he praises her cosmetics. She sees his PIN as he unlocks the phone. She unlocks his phone to access the bank account while he’s upstairs.

The whole scope of his controlling attitude is revealed, and she is appalled to learn that he has been following her whereabouts via an app.

Belle steals the extra keys after deciding that using Tom’s vehicle without his knowing is the only way she can get to her appointment. Belle devises a scheme so that Tom can’t follow her and figure out where she’s going and why.

She asks Daisy Campbell’s character Amelia to watch Piper, and during their conversation, she secretly puts her phone inside Esther’s pram, indicating to Tom that she is still in the hamlet. After that, she departs for the clinic.

She is struggling to understand Tom’s actions, but one thing is certain: she is not allowed to have his child.

Will she carry out the dismissal? When Tom finds out and realises she tricked him, how will he respond?

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