Emmerdale icon ‘quits role’ for the fourth time in 25 years with dramatic exit ahead

In 1998, Bernice arrived (Image: ITV).

Actress Samantha Giles, who plays Bernice Blackstock in Emmerdale, is to quit the show.

Later this year, Samantha will bid Bernice farewell for the fourth time. She made her debut in 1998 but frequently takes time off to work on other enjoyable ventures.

In 2021, Bernice returned to the Dales, where she has been ever since. She attempted to prevent Liam (Jonny McPherson) from marrying Leyla (Roxy Shahidhi) in her reoccurring plot.

As part of her attempts, Bernice confronted Leyla while donning a bridal gown and declared her love for Liam. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be, and Liam and Leyla were able to be married once Bernice conceded that he had gone on.

The B&B was recently taken up by Bernice and Bob (Tony Audenshaw) when Eric (Chris Chittell) declared he was selling. While simultaneously creating a distinct affair plotline, Bernice and Bob have developed a surprise bond while working together.

After becoming friends through their shared interest in murder mystery television shows, Liam is presently having sex with Wendy, Bob’s partner (Susan Cookson). At first, Wendy tried to dissuade Bob from following her around, but it soon became clear that she was really drawn to Liam. Meanwhile, poor Bob is utterly unaware of Wendy’s activities.

Bernice is making an attempt to settle into operating the B&B, but a change is coming as she will leave the Dales later this year.

Bob and Bernice have been spending a lot of time together recently (ITV image).

According to a source who spoke to The Sun, “Bernice Blackstock has been in and out of the Emmerdale village more often than they change the barrels at The Woolpack.”

She’s always received warmly by ITV and fans alike, but it’s now starting to seem a bit like a recurring gag. Although Samantha will now depart the soap opera later this year, it wouldn’t be wise to wager on whether she may return at some point.

Speaking about her return in 2021 and pursuing her love for other projects, Samantha said:

I knew it was time to be brave and return in 2019 to pursue my other passion of writing and concentrate on getting my first book published. As an actress, leaving a role you love is always a difficult decision, and I’d been fortunate to work so consistently for so long which is rare in our industry.

“I’ve already gotten such a lovely response from Rosemary and The Witches of Pendle Hill, and the pandemic’s downtime allowed me to finish my next two books.” I firmly believe in fate, so when Emmerdale gave me the chance to play Bernice again, I saw that as a sign that our paths had been destined to cross.

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