Emmerdale spoilers: Bernice Blackstock’s horror as her nephew posts a nude image of her

When Bernice discovered it, she was shocked (Image: ITV).

In Emmerdale, Bernice Blackstock (Samantha Giles) suffered humiliation as a result of what began as a brilliant plot to rejuvenate her menopausal support group. A naked picture of her was shared to the village group chat for everyone to see.

In the episode that aired on Tuesday, April 18, viewers saw Bernice getting ready for the initiative, which included getting her group together for an art class in an effort to foster a more relaxed and enjoyable environment than the typical meetings that Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) had called “boring.”

When the tutor came, she said that Bernice had really scheduled a life drawing session and that a model would soon be there to pose nude. Bernice had first assumed she had booked a still life drawing class and had pictured fruit and maybe a vase. After hearing this proposal, Heath Hope (Sebastian Dowling) and Elliot Windsor (Luca Hoyle) quickly became enthusiastic about the thought of seeing a young lady in her undies.

When the scheduled model became very ill, Bernice bravely decided to step in and remove her painting smock in order to present The Full Bernice. Heath and Elliot, in the meanwhile, wanted to take a picture of the model but didn’t want to be seen doing it, so they had to basically jam their phone through the doorway and hope for the best.

They were not prepared for a candid picture of Elliot’s Aunt Bernice.

Elliot was frightened in the episode that aired on Wednesday, April 19, when Heath threatened to share the picture—which was still on Elliot’s phone—to the village group chat. The photo was unintentionally shared to the conversation when Elliot reached for his phone as it slid to the ground.

Earlier this week, Bernice appeared for a life drawing lesson (ITV image).

When Rishi (Bhasker Patel) first glanced at the message he had just gotten on his phone, he was astounded. Later, he told Bernice that she was “a real inspiration.”

Since Bernice, rather wisely, had the village conversation muted on her phone, she was unaware of what Rishi was discussing, but Nicola quickly informed Bernice of the events. Bernice questioned if Jimmy (Nick Miles), Nicola’s husband, had been the undercover photographer. She said, “He’s always struck me as the peepy type.”

When Nicola learnt the image had been taken from Elliot’s phone, she became furious with him and gave Heath and Elliot a speech about how Bernice had been harmed by their actions, how what they had done was wrong, and how fortunate they were that the police had not been called.

Bernice was at home in the meanwhile, perhaps hoping she wasn’t the only one who had the village group chat set to muted all the time.

Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. on ITV1 and ITVX, Emmerdale resumes.

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