Emmerdale spoilers: Kim issues upsetting threat to struggling Lydia

Kim has been wondering what’s going on (Picture: ITV)

In Emmerdale, Kim Tate (Claire King) forewarned Lydia Dingle (Karen Blick) of what was ahead for her at Home Farm.

Although she often serves as the Tate family’s cleaner, the adored character frequently calls in ill.

We are aware that Lydia is not ill, but rather is dealing with the fallout from being raped by Craig (Ben Addis). Kim is worried about her shift in behavior, but because she doesn’t know the real story, she thinks Lydia is tampering with the Home Farm employment.

Sadly, Lydia is also the subject of several village rumors because she was unable to talk to anybody about the incident.

The story resumed tonight, October 4, as Samson (Sam Hall), who was working undercover at Craig’s headquarters.

Samson’s curiosity about why his job experience had been interrupted and what Lydia was up to prompted Craig to embellish the tale.

He made it sound as though he and Lydia are really in love, but he wanted to put a stop to things before they got out of hand. Craig proceeded to suggest that Lydia had betrayed Sam (James Hooton) as Samson listened.

Mandy wanted answers (Picture: ITV)

Samson was talking on the phone as he got home about Lydia and Craig’s relationship. Mandy (Lisa Riley), who was walking Chip the dog, scooped something up.

In the pub, Lydia and Kim were conversing as Mandy told Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) that she had suspicions and is determined to get the truth.

Lydia will tell Kim what happened (Picture: ITV)

It didn’t seem good to find her at the Woolpack. Kim questioned why Lydia couldn’t work if she was feeling well enough to visit Amelia (Daisy Campbell) and Esther, even though Lydia had said she had been by to see them.

While remaining composed, Kim warned Lydia that she would find a replacement if she failed to show up at Home Farm one more time.

Can Lydia get the courage to tell Kim what happened to Sam as well? We know that Lydia will ultimately tell Kim that she was attacked by Craig.

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