Emmerdale star Martelle Edinborough undergoes operation for brain aneurysm

As Suzy in Emmerdale, Martelle (Image from ITV)

Martelle Edinborough, who portrays party planner Suzy Merton in the ITV series Emmerdale, has said that she recently through a significant health struggle. Despite this, she emerged from the experience cheerful and full of gratitude for the NHS workers who treated her.

“A few weeks ago, I learned that a brain aneurysm that had been thought to be small and stable had actually always been large enough to require treatment,” Early on Wednesday morning (19 April), Martelle sent a message on Twitter.

I’m not sure why it took so long to bring this to light, but despite my first astonishment, I was able to accept it as a blessing and refused to let it form as worry, tension, or anxiety.

“Yesterday, I underwent surgery where doctors miraculously and successfully treated the aneurysm, inserting a flow diverter in the artery to cut the blood supply to it, soon enabling it to vanish for good!”

After the procedure, the actress uploaded a photo of herself in her hospital bed, looking happy and at ease. She credited “all the incredible @NHSuk Dr’s, nurses & support staff” for her quick and rapid recovery, stating that she was “happy and blessed.”

Martelle noted that the NHS employees “really do deserve everything they are asking for” in the remarks sent by well-wishers.

Martelle said that she was already anticipating returning to work while she recuperates from her procedure at home. I’ll be back at it soon, she assured him.

When it was announced in March that Suzy Merton would be a fixture in Emmerdale for the foreseeable future, viewers were overjoyed because, as Martelle revealed, she had been given a cast coat with her name on the back.

Suzy had a key role in the plot that saw Leyla Harding (Roxy Shahidi) quickly develop a cocaine addiction after she and Suzy took the substance while out partying when she initially arrived in the hamlet as an old acquaintance from Leyla’s (Roxy Shahidi) past.

While Leyla descended into addiction, Suzy resisted using drugs, and we saw her developing a love interest in veterinarian Vanessa Woodfield (Michelle Hardwick).

Suzy has been at the focus of all the action in the Dales, and in recent scenes, Callum, a heroin dealer, has assaulted her. (Image from ITV)

Vanessa is now in Canada while Michelle Hardwick, an actress, is on maternity leave. Suzy made the difficult choice to remain in the community, but it was the right one. The second child of Michelle and her spouse, Emmerdale producer Kate Brooks, was just born.

While everything is going on, Suzy has lately been helping Leyla (played by Tom Ashley) get rid of the villainous drug dealer Callum (Tom Ashley), putting her own life in danger in the process after being attacked by Callum and held at gunpoint with Leyla and Jacob (Joe-Warren Plant).

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