Rhona scared by Marlon’s explosive reaction as he launches pan of food in Emmerdale spoiler video

We find it difficult to believe that Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) and Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) will ever be the same after their battle in Emmerdale.

Ever since Rhona altered her testimony in court, resulting in Gus Malcolms (Alan McKenna) being sentenced to jail, Marlon and Rhona have been at odds.

Even though Marlon helped Rhona through the majority of this story and even grew very attached to baby Ivy, there were many aspects of Rhona’s behaviour that bothered him. In particular, she made important decisions without first consulting him or considering how they would affect their children, April Windsor (Amelia Flanagan) and Leo (Harvey Rogerson).

Ivy’s abduction was undoubtedly a major incident, but Marlon’s breaking point came when she altered the impact statement in court. Marlon believed it was needlessly harsh, because they had already made a deal with Gus to take care of Ivy while he was incarcerated.

Marlon’s had enough (Picture: ITV)

There has to be a quick shift between them. (Image: ITV)

Even though Rhona and Marlon attend couple’s therapy to work through their issues, this new video captures the moment when history repeats itself as Rhona goes behind Marlon’s back once again.

Rhona shows up in the bar kitchen to talk to Marlon.

The subject shifts to Ivy’s impending baptism. Rhona informs her husband that Charles Anderson (Kevin Mathurin), not her, was the one who made the suggestion.

Rhona is told by an irate Marlon that she always attempts to rationalise her acts in order to hide the fact that she has once again done something without first informing him.

Marlon attempts to use the traditional example of how Rhona was busy planning Ivy’s baptism while he was in the store as they quarrel.

She refutes his arguments, blaming Charles once again, but Marlon points out that she didn’t have to accept the vicar’s invitation; instead, she might have stated something like that she wanted to talk to her family about it first.

Marlon is one furious guy at this moment.

With his emotions overflowing, Marlon tosses a bowl across the kitchen, causing both Rhona and him to recognise that something has to happen between them very soon.

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