Terrified mum Dawn distraught in hospital in gutting Emmerdale spoiler video

As young Evan’s condition worsens, Dawn Taylor’s (Olivia Bromley) nightmare in Emmerdale soon resumes.

Evan, the infant son of Dawn and Billy Fletcher (Jay Kontzle), was given a leukaemia diagnosis a few weeks earlier.

The pair is naturally in a terrible situation as a result of the surprising discovery. Billy has the difficult burden of attempting to work, see Dawn and Evan, and take care of their other children, Clemmie and Lucas, while Dawn has been spending almost all of her time at the hospital with Evan.

It was difficult for Billy to speak to his wife about striking a better balance lately.

He advised Dawn to return home and have “family time,” but she couldn’t help but worry that if she left Evan in the care of medical professionals and went out with her other kids, he would be treated like a “afterthought.”

Dawn returns to the hospital to be by Evan’s side (Picture: ITV)
Evan, Dawn and Billy’s kid, was born in December of last year (Picture: ITV)

The heated discussion came to an end when Dawn and Billy were unable to come to an understanding, leaving Dawn to deal with Evan’s illness on her alone once again.

Evan is seen in this latest video receiving care from medical professionals while lying on his hospital bed.

Dawn questions the nurse about Evan’s treatment as soon as she walks in. Dawn is advised by the nurse to get some sleep right now since Evan may ultimately have difficulty getting comfortable and may stop sleeping as much.

Dawn is reminded that she has to turn off in order to be able to help her little son after she expresses her concerns about him being in agony once again.

Dawn takes a seat next to Evan and looks at some treatment material.

Dawn is obviously giving it her all, but will she ever see how important it is to step back from the situation for a while in order to give her body and mind a chance to digest what’s happening?

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