Coronation Street spoilers: Ryan to send nude video after pressure from creepy fan

Ryan is still working on his social media presence (Image: ITV).

As soon as a fan requests a nude video, Ryan Connor’s (Ryan Prescott) choice to create an account on a website that requires a membership takes a further turn for the worst in Coronation Street.

Shortly after receiving a message from a fan on his fitness-focused social media profile, the well-loved figure created the account. Liv, who liked what Ryan had to say, asked him to share a private picture, which is how Ryan found out that signing up for O-Vidz was a very simple and fast method to get money.

In forthcoming episodes, Ryan gets a message from a subscriber who claims they would pay more for a live broadcast, as his platform grows.

Ryan starts his first shift at Underworld that week, but it’s cut short when he receives a message from a man asking for a private video.

Ryan dashes to the bathroom to send a few naked photos, but the user replies that a live video would cost £500 and that photographs are insufficient.

Ryan starts work at Underworld (Image: ITV)

After that, Ryan decides what to do, and at the end of the week, he accepts a call in which the person who messaged him is asked to chat nasty.

Carla is informed by Peter (Chris Gascoyne), who overhears, that Ryan spends a lot of time in his room since he can clearly be heard having phone sex.

After overhearing the exchange, Daisy (Charlotte Jordan) approaches Ryan and queries him about the situation.

What will he say, though?

Will Ryan tell Daisy the truth, or a lie, considering all they have gone through together?

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