Common Car Accident Injuries

Minor to serious injuries from car accidents are possible. Some of the most prevalent or ongoing injuries sustained by victims of auto accidents are listed below:

Car accidents are the primary cause of traumatic brain injuries in the United States. When the brain is harmed due to a head injury, this is known as traumatic brain injury, or TBI. A harsh blow or a sharp, penetrating wound might cause the damage.

Neck or spinal cord injury: The hard impact of an accident may seriously harm the neck and spinal cord. Whiplash, a frequent neck injury, happens when the head suddenly and violently jerks back and forth. Spinal cord injuries may vary from slight to severe, and some of them can cause partial or complete paralysis.

Burns: The body may sustain burns in a variety of ways during or just after an injury. You risk getting burns if hot substances like liquids, surfaces, or chemicals come into touch with your skin. You can get serious burns during the collision that need either surgery or skin grafts.

Broken bones and fractures are frequent injuries in vehicle accidents, which is not surprising. Forceful hits may result in broken legs, ribs, arms, ankles, and risks, which can vary in severity from fracture to complete break. For certain fractured bones to mend correctly and be reset, surgery is necessary.

Cuts and other facial injuries may be caused by flying glass, collisions with the steering wheel, and other factors. If severe, surgery can be needed to rectify the problem.

It’s simple to assume that soft tissue injuries are less serious, but this isn’t always the case. It’s possible that soft tissue injuries won’t show up or become obvious for days after the collision. Organ damage may result in severe, life-threatening injuries and may not always be visible to the human eye.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Car accidents may result in injuries other than physical ones. After an accident, many individuals experience mental and emotional anguish. A qualified psychiatrist may make the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. Typical symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks of the traumatic experience, and feeling frightened or nervous about things that used to seem normal to you.

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